martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Ejercicio solucionado.

Join the sentences using a relative pronoun

I was sitting on a chair, it suddenly collapsed:

I was sitting on a chair which/that suddenly collapsed.

The man was sitting at his desk. I had come to see him.

The man (who/whom/that) I had come to see was sitting at his desk.

The house is green. I live in that house.

The house where I live is green.

The house (witch/that) I live in is green.

This is a child. His mother works in my office

This is a child whose mother works in my office

The exhibition was not very interesting. My friend took me to see it.

The exhibition (which/that) my friend took me to see was not very interesting.

That is the house. We lived in it in l990.

That is the house where I lived in 1990.

That is the house (which/that) I live in in 1990

The woman was red-haired. Judy saw the woman at the gallery.

The woman (who/that) Judy saw at the gallery was red-haired.

John Ford works at a garage. He looks after Mary's car.

John Ford, who looks after Mary’s car, works at a garage.

The principal demanded to see the students. Their behaviour had been unacceptable.

The principal demanded to see the students whose behaviour had been unacceptable.

I like the restaurant. We went to the restaurant yesterday.

I like the restaurant where we went yesterday.

That's Paula. She wants to leave school this year.

That’s Paula, who wants to leave school this year.

That's the computer. I use that computer to work.

That’s the computer (which) I used to work.

A man answered the phone. He told me you were out.

A man who answered the phone told me you were out.

A man who told me you were out answered the phone.

This is my cousin. Her parents died last year.

This is my cousin whose parents died last year.

Ann is an 'au pair' girl. she works for Mr and Mrs Green.

Ann, who works for a Mr and Mrs Green, is an “au pair” girl.

I am coming up to London by the 12.10 train. It arrives at the station at 13:10.

I am coming up to London by the 12.10 train (definition), which arrives at the station at 13:10.

They had lunch at the Intrepid Fox. Tom usually goes to the Intrepid Fox for lunch.

They had lunch at the Intrepid Fox, where Tom usually goes.

Here it is the ball. We use it to play football.

Here, it is the ball (which) we use to play football.

lunes, 26 de enero de 2009


Para descargaros el Power Point de Pedro Luis sobre las Condicionales solo teneías que pinchar en el apartado de la derecha que pone "Power Point de P.L". Os enlazará a la entrada del Campus, entonces tendreís que pinchar en "ENTRAR COMO INVITADO" y se iniciará la descarga. Es simple.

Recordad: Primero pinchais en el enlace de la derecha ¡POWER POINT DE P.L! y luego en "ENTRAR COMO INVITADOS" y se iniciará la descarga.



If I had lots of money, I’d travel around the world

I’d travel around the world if I had enough money.


If = SI



Providing (that) // Provided (that) = SI

Unless = A NO SER QUE, A MENOS QUE = If Not.

· TYPE 0

-- If / when + present simple --, --present simple / imperative--

--Present simple / imperative -- -- If / when + present simple --

If you have a strong argument, they listens.

When you see the others coming, run!

Se utiliza para:

Describir hechos y situaciones que se aceptan como ciertas.

Para dar ordenes. En este caso, el verbo de la proposicion principal está en imperative.


--If/unless + present simple--, --will + infinitive --

--Will + infinitive-- --if + present simple--

If you faith doesn’t improve, you’ll have to stay in this island.

You’ll have to stay in this island if your faith doesn’t improve.

Se utilizan para:

Hablar de hechos futuros que son posibles o probables.

Para hacer promesas y advertencies


--If + past simple--, --would + infinitive--

--Would + infinitive-- --If + past simple--

If I found a hatch, I would go inside.

I’d go inside if I found a hatch.

Se utiliza para:

Hablar de situaciones hipotéticas de presente y de futuro que son imaginaries e improbables.


En ingles formal, se utiliza WERE en lugar de WAS tanto en la primera como en la tercera persona del singular.


--If + past perfect--, --would have + past participle--

--would have + past participle-- --if + past perfect--

If he had got drunk, I wouldn’t have got in the car with him.

[Had he got drunk, I wouldn’t have got in the car with him]

I’d have forgiven you if you’d told me the truth about Aaron.

Se utiliza para:

Referirse a hechos hipotéticos del pasado, es decir, para hablar de cosas que no sucedieron.

sábado, 24 de enero de 2009



1. It Rains a lot here.

If the weather was/were better, I’d go out more.

2. I don’t have her phone number

If I knew her number I would call her.

3. You’re good at this subject

If you study hard you will pass the exam.

4. She’s going shopping

If she sees some nice shoes, she will buy them.

5. I know quite a lot of English

If I didn’t know any English, I wouldn’t be able to do this exercise

6. I might see Anna tonight

If I see her, I will ask her to call you.


1. England would have won the mach if Beckham hadn’t missed that penalty

2. If Mozart hadn’t died so young, he would have written more wonderful music.

3. I wouldn’t have finished my homework if my computer hadn’t broken.

4. If you hadn’t wasted so much time, you would have found a solution already.

5. She wouldn’t have met her boyfriend if she hadn’t caught that train.

6. They would have broken the machine if they had read the instructions.


1. I can’t dance. I wish I could dance.

2. I have exams. I wish I didn’t have do them

3. I lied, but now I wish I had told the truth.

4. She’s always late. I wish she would arrive on time.

5. I’m not very tall. I wish I was/were taller.

6. The weather’s awful. I wish it stopped raining.

7. I never knew my Grandmother. I wish I had known her.